Only Green CBD Coffee




Try Our Delicious Only Green CBD Coffee

In collaboration with Pot Head Coffee, we’re excited to bring you our Only Green CBD coffee product. You can choose to buy our OG CBD infused coffee in one of two options. Either purchase our coffee in whole beans or ground so that you can pop it straight into a cafetiere.

Sourced organically from the volcanic slopes of the Kilimanjaro region, our coffee is a smooth tasting Arabica. We infuse every 200g pouch with full-spectrum European hemp. Our coffee has natural notes of nuts and berries. 

A medium intensity roast infused with certified-organic and lab-tested cannabidiol, Only Green CBD coffee is perfect for a calming pick-up. Brewed at home in a cafetiere, CBD coffee provides a caffeine energy boost with a soft, calming edge. Drink in style with our coffee and mug combo.

Tips For Brewing Only Green CBD Coffee

  • Measure out 10-15g of ground coffee for each cup and add to your cafetiere
  • Pour near-boiling water into your cafetiere before stirring and covering
  • Wait between 3 and 4 minutes
  • Gently press down on your cafetiere
  • Pour 
  • Enjoy your cup of warming CBD infused coffee!

Each Bag of Our CBD Infused Coffee Includes:

A resealable bag for ultimate freshness

200g of ground coffee or coffee beans

200mg CBD

Laboratory Tested CBD Oil

The CBD extract which is infused into our coffee never contains any more than 0.2% THC. We test our coffee, like all of our CBD products, at laboratories to ensure consistency and quality. The CBD oil we infuse our coffee with is extracted using the supercritical CO2 extraction method. This method is the most efficient and environmentally-friendly technique for CBD oil extraction. We want to be transparent with you about the testing process of our products. You can find the results of the lab tests here.


Store in a cool, dry place. Keep away from direct sunlight.


This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

We deliver CBD across the UK from our CBD shop. Visit our CBD cafe in Bristol or contact us to find out more.

Additional information


Beans, Cafetiere


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